About the Foundation


Share Your Memories

You are the reason why the Palomino has been cherished by silver screen heroes, passionate breeders, and powerful, world-changing leaders. You are why the Palomino is globally accepted by 17 different breeds of horses - including all of today's most popular breeds. You are why there is one family of equestrians that proudly owns a registered Palomino and knows the value of your equine partner shouldn't be decided by predetermined size or ability but must be adorned in gold.

First registered Palomino horse.All in all, those genetic traits appear as a personal masterpiece on your canvas of choice, and your story is why the Palomino remains popular with tall horses, cute ponies, speedsters thundering down the track, loyal partners on the ranch, co-stars, and in the spotlight of the world's largest dirt stages.

From the very first registered Palomino horse (pictured to the right), to the Palomino in your barn or pasture today, everyone with a Palomino has an important story to tell. Maybe it was the invention of Technicolor and you saw Trigger in full color for the first time. Maybe you thought it was all about the fun you had growing up with Palominos until you saw your child ride a Palomino for the first time.

Your memories create a legacy. Memorialize that one person who made a difference in your life.

While the Palomino Horse Breeders Heritage Foundation works to safeguard the history of the Palomino Horse Breeders of America (PHBA) through historic preservation, public education scholarship opportunities, and educational research, your contributions emphasize the positive impact the Palomino horse has made in the horse industry. Your direct involvement not only helps us to preserve the past but provides the pathway for his story to go beyond the archives and into the lives of today's Palomino enthusiasts and owners.

We invite you to give back and memorialize a special individual today.


Tell Us About Yourself!

Please tell us the name and address of the person you are memorializing so we may send a personal note of recognition in your honor.

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Contribute To This Memory Book Entry

Make Checks Payable To: PHBHF
Mail To:
Tootsie North
419 N. Utica Street
Terry, MS 39170

Or Make a secure donation of the amount your indicated above with a credit card

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Artifacts & Exhibits

To donate items, provide exhibit displays, or place a piece of your heritage on loan, contact Carolyn Henderson at (918) 366-3624 for a personal, private consultation.

Thank you Donors!

Every project comes to you through the generous contributions of our donors!