Go Beyond the Archives

  • News

    Find and search for Heritage Foundation news starting in 2008 through the most recent headlines. We admit Palomino news happens nearly every day, so if there's something you'd like us to celebrate, please help us go beyond the archives and let a board member know today!
  • World Show

    Many activities celebrating the history and heritage of the Palomino horse are held during the Palomino Horse Breeders of America World Championship Show. Those events are archived here.
  • Western Parade Horse

    The Palomino horse is by far the most sought after "yellow" parade entry and has historically been the centerpiece in popular parades. Palominos are always an expected crowd pleaser at national parades such as The Rose Bowl Parade, held in Pasadena, CA. From the silver and gold adorned saddles by talented saddlemakers to how Palomino leaders still celebrate Parade Horse competition at weekend horse shows, we've got the scoop!
  • Trailblazers

    Many horses, forward thinkers, and fearless leaders representing nearly 20 breeds of horses have made significant contributions to the preservation and perpetuation of the Palomino horse. These are some of their stories. All Palomino Trailblazers are also memorialized in perpetuity.
  • Foundation Business

    Here you will find all the published business reports from the Heritage Foundation Board of Directors. Please contact a board member directly with any questions regarding these updates and be sure to take a moment to review the annual reports to help answer any questions you may have!
  • Just For Fun

    Sometimes we just like to celebrate the Palomino horse with a little fun! We're always seeking new ways to bring other Palomino enthusiasts together, so if you have an idea, share it with a board member today!
  • Our Heritage

    We go beyond the archives with a growing collection of stories ranging from backyard relationships to silver screen heroes, and passionate breeders to powerful, world-changing innovators.

Most Popular

Plan Your Palomino Heritage Museum Visit

Are you looking for some easy (and low cost) getaways this summer? The Palomino Horse Breeders Heritage Foundation Museum in Tulsa, OK is your perfect getaway! Free admission and free parking! Read more

About the Parade Horse

The Golden Palomino horse has historically been synonymous with popular parades of the day. Palominos are always an expected crowd pleaser at local, state and national parades such as The Rose Bowl Parade, held in Pasadena, CA.
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New Palomino Horse of the Year Award Unveiled

The Palomino Horse Breeders Heritage Foundation (PHBHF) debuted the Palomino Horse Breeders Heritage Foundation Horse of the Year at the 2019 Palomino Horse Breeders of America (PHBA) Annual Convention on March 16 in Tulsa, OK. Read more

Mike Bender - STEP Scholarship Recipient Successfully Completes Program

The Palomino Horse Breeders Heritage Foundation (PHBHF) scholarship award recipient Mike Bender of Mantachie, Mississippi, successfully completes the Scholarship for Training Equine Professionals program in Barn Management. Read more

Ted Flowers (1914-1976)

Thank you to the Curtis and Elizabeth Corson family of New Jersey for donating an original (circa early 1950s) Ted Flowers Silver Parade Saddle to the Heritage Foundation. This saddle is proudly on display now as you come into the museum. It is a beautiful piece of work and represents such an important time in the history of the Palomino horse. Read more