YOU are the reason why the Palomino has been cherished by so many and is globally accepted by 17 breeds of horses.

YOU are why there is one family of equestrians who knows your equine partner must be adorned in gold.

Only YOU can memorialize those who have made a difference in your life. Tell us their story.

Mare and Foal by Orren Mixer


The Palomino Horse Breeders Heritage Foundation provides you with an opportunity to make meaningful and positive contributions that impact the Palomino Horse, their owners and to recognize those who made significant sacrifices to preserve the history and perpetuate the future of the Palomino Horse.

“If I could teach the kids to identify and appreciate their natural environment, then they will have a sense of place and care about Weston.” - Roy Rogers (”Weston”)

Owner of Allen's Gold Zephyr ( Trigger Jr.)
PHBA ID 4055

Mare and Foal by Orren Mixer
Chester Upham Home and birthplace of PHBA

At the suggestion of Chester R. Upham, a group of interested Palomino owners and enthusiasts met at this Mandeville Canyon Ranch in Santa Monica, CA, for the purpose of forming a Palomino registry and association.

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Who We Are

Our History & Heritage

We honor the story, celebrate the history, and memorialize the achievements of all Palomino horse.

Parades & Expos
Virtual Tour

Beyond the Archives

Your Palomino story matters to us. Through scholarships, professional development and collecting memories, we preserve the Palomino's legacy for you.

Champion Recognition
Planned Giving

About Our Leadership

The Palomino Horse Breeders of America began in 1941, and throughout the years volunteers have refined and enhanced the strong Palomino Horse family bond.

Together We Make a Difference

Your contributions to the Heritage Foundation make it possible to preserve and recognize the history of the Palomino Horse. Get involved today!

Giving Policy

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2022 Convention Brings Joy and Celebrations

2022 Convention Brings Joy and Celebrations Read more

Subscribe to the Newsletter

Sign up to receive our newsletter and releases from the Heritage Foundation. It's provided to you free of any advertising and you can cancel at any time! You can rest assured that we will never share your email address. Read more

Ted Flowers (1914-1976)

Thank you to the Curtis and Elizabeth Corson family of New Jersey for donating an original (circa early 1950s) Ted Flowers Silver Parade Saddle to the Heritage Foundation. This saddle is proudly on display now as you come into the museum. It is a beautiful piece of work and represents such an important time in the history of the Palomino horse. Read more

Birth of the Palomino Horse Breeders of America

At the suggestion of Chester R. Upham, a group of interested Palomino owners and enthusiasts met at his Mandeville Canyon Ranch for the purpose of forming a Palomino registry and association. Read more

New Palomino Horse of the Year Award Unveiled

The Palomino Horse Breeders Heritage Foundation (PHBHF) debuted the Palomino Horse Breeders Heritage Foundation Horse of the Year at the 2019 Palomino Horse Breeders of America (PHBA) Annual Convention on March 16 in Tulsa, OK. Read more

Get Engaged

The Palomino Horse has found himself the center of attention throughout history. We've witnessed him on the silver screen, as our very own childhood heroes, commanding Colorado Boulevard during the New Year's Day Rose Bowl Parade, and most importantly, in our barns, with our children and center stage in the world's most prestigious competition arenas.

The Foundation not only serves as a preservation body, but as an organization dedicated to providing a comprehensive database of those who sacrificed the most, and for the horses that still live strong in our Hall of Fame.

We hope you can find time to visit us for a walk down memory lane, but until you do, please take a look at an abbreviated version of our digital displays (coming soon!) honoring the history of the Palomino Horse and those who have made this majestic animal an icon for future generations to cherish.

Plan your museum visit today!
Hall of Fame Database Research


Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Monday - Friday (excluding holidays)
15253 East Skelly Drive
Tulsa, Ok 74116
(918) 438-1234
Admission: FREE

Our Mission

The Palomino Horse Breeders Heritage Foundation is dedicated to preserving the past, present and future of the Palomino Horse and to those who have dedicated themselves to maintaining and perpetuating the breed. The Foundation was created as a way for you to make contributions that are meaningful and make a positive impact on the Palomino Horse, their owners and to those who made significant sacrifices to preserve the Palomino legacy.

All contributions are tax deductible through a 501(c)(3) entity.